Other attractions/things to see and do

Outwood Trail
• Outwood Viaduct
• Cycling - Route is part of the National Cycle Network
• Horse Riding path
• Scout camp
• Picnic area
• Wildlife interest


Millennium Woodland


Car Parking


The bus route that passes near to the park is number 93

Traveline North West
0871 200 22 33


Cycling in Greater Manchester

Events along the Trail

Outwood Trail

This old colliery site now offers sixty hectares of woodland.  The trail itself is based on a section of disused railway and forms part of the National Cycle Network.


The Millennium Woodland

The Millennium Wood is a landmark countryside project which will create a new woodland on 35 hectares of land within the Outwood Community Parkland at Outwood near to Radcliffe.

The project is a community effort involving schools, youth groups, volunteers and professional contractors working together to produce a new woodland for the community on land which was formally occupied by colliery oil tips, railway sidings, stock yards and a power station.

The project will involve a significant amount of new tree planting, but equally important is the need to establish a woodland which is safe, welcoming and accessible to the public, and with this in mind a number of new feeder paths have already been built to meet up with the Outwood Trail, forming circular walks through the woodland.


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